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Be Like You

Words and Music by Bret Holtz

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When I was lost, You sought me out
When I turned away You turned my head around
When I was blind, You gave me sight
Reached down into the dark and pulled me into the light
Now I’m not proud of the things I’ve done, things I’ve said, or things I’ve seen
But You opened up my eyes and it’s very clear to me

Oh I Wanna be like You
Lord take my mind, take my heart, take my life every piece and part
And I want Your words to be my words too
I want nothin’ less, than to be like You

Sometimes I’m weak, sometimes I’m strong
Now I’ve been right as summer rain and I’ve been wrong
But You don’t change, no You don’t fail
And You are always at Your strongest when I’m frail
Oh You know what no one knows and You see what no one sees
And I am at my best, when I’m down upon my knees

Oh I Wanna be like You
Lord take my mind, take my heart, take my life every piece and part
And I want Your words to be my words too
I want nothin’ less, than to be like You

I wanna be like You, with every breath I take
So I try a little harder and reach a little higher each day
When darkness falls You light my way
When I speak of You, You teach me words to say
Now I can’t do this on my own, I just fail and fade away
But with Your help I know, I get stronger every day

Oh I Wanna be like You
Lord take my mind, take my heart, take my life every piece and part
And I want Your words to be my words too
I want nothin’ less, than to be like You

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Song © Copyright 2000 Roadkill Music

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