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Frequently Asked Questions

Index Page

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The purpose of our Frequently Asked Questions section is to “dig up” the facts for those of you who have received more opinions than answers to your questions. The index below lists the questions that we received from others. Click on the question to jump to the page with the answer for that question.

Note: All information contained in Clarifying Christianity is a resource for questions dealing with Christian issues. It is not to be taken as Christian counseling. Seek a qualified Christian counselor for help with all such issues. If you choose to work with a Christian counselor, it is your responsibility to ask pertinent questions before you begin, to assure yourself of their qualities and abilities.

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Frequently Asked Questions About Angels

Do angels have free will?Do angels have a free will as we do here on earth?

Do angels communicate telepathically? In a dream, angels communicated with me through some sort of telepathy. Do they really do that?

Do people who have died become angels? Do people who have died become angels?

Is contact with an angel possible? My friend claims to have had contact with an angel. Is that possible?

What are the symbols of the angels? What are the symbols or personal signs of the nine important angels (Gabriel and others)?

Information on guardian angels Do you have any information on guardian angels?

Did a guardian angel keep me safe? I was nearly killed in a car accident, but I believe that “someone” kept me safe. Was it a guardian angel?

How to contact my guardian angel Is there any way to contact my guardian angel?

Frequently Asked Questions About Baptism

What if a person can not be baptized, such as on their deathbed?What happens when a person accepts Jesus on their deathbed (or on a battlefield) and cannot be baptized by immersion?

Must you be baptized in Jesus' name? Isn’t it true that you must be baptized in Jesus’ Name?

Is a cult baptism valid? If you later learn that the person who baptized you was a cult member, is that baptism valid?

If a pastor who baptized someone later fell into sin. . . . If a pastor who baptized someone later fell into sin, is the baptism still valid in God’s eyes?

Clarify baptism's relationship to getting right with God On your baptism page you say that baptism does not save. Then you say it is required to be saved. Can you further clarify your point?

Do you have to have godparents to be baptized? Do you have to have godparents to be baptized?

Is baptism required? Is baptism a requirement to get to heaven? Wasn’t the thief on the cross in Luke 23:39-43 saved without baptism?

Why did John the Baptist baptize? Why was John the Baptist baptizing men and women before Jesus died on the cross if they were still under Old Testament law?

Did all nations include children? Jesus said to baptize “all nations,” wouldn’t this also include small children?

Frequently Asked Questions About The Bible

Did Mary have children after Jesus?Did Mary have children after Jesus?

Is the NIV bible perverse and wrong?I read at another site that the NIV bible is perverse and wrong. Is that true?

Isn't Yeshua the correct spelling for Jesus name?Isn’t Yeshua the correct spelling for Jesus name? I heard the name Jesus came about from a bad translation.

What is the most accurate New Testament? What is the most accurate English translation of the Greek (New Testament) text?

What did Jesus mean in Matthew 16:28? Jesus told His apostles that some of them would be alive when He comes into His kingdom. What did He mean?

Who committed suicide in the Bible? Who committed suicide in the Bible?

Why does the Catholic Bible have more books? Why does the Catholic Bible have more books in it?

Who decided what was included in the Bible? Someone has told me the bible as we know it was compiled about the year 300. Who decided what was put in and what was not?

Can you explain the Bible codes? Can you explain the Bible codes?

Are there contradictions in the Bible? I read that there are many contradictions in the Bible. Is that true?

Where did Cain's wife come from? Where did Cain’s wife come from? Was it one of his sisters? What about Incest? Isn’t that against the laws of the Bible?

Do you know the name of Noah's wife? Do you know the name of Noah’s wife?

Did God turn a man black in the Bible? Is there a passage in the Bible about God turning a man black?

Who are the 144,000? Who are the “144,000 from all the tribes of Israel” in Rev. 7:4-8?

Frequently Asked Questions About How Christians Live

What did Jesus mean by vain repetitions in prayer? What did Jesus mean when He said “And when you pray, do not use vain repetitions” in Matthew 6:7?

Is it a sin to live with someone if you are not intimate? Is it a sin to live with someone who you will marry if you are not intimate with them, and do I still have the right to be married to this person in the church in the eyes of God if I do?

Is it OK if a justice of the peace marries you? What does the bible say about getting married by the justice of the peace and not in a church?

Are cremation and burial equally acceptable? What does the Bible say about cremation and burial?

Is it wrong to read Harry Potter? Is it wrong to read or watch Harry Potter or Lord of the Rings?

Can a Christian celebrate Halloween? Is it OK for Christians to celebrate Halloween?

How can I overcome sin? I have trouble overcoming a certain sin. What can I do?

How can I pray more effectively? I desire to pray more effectively for others and myself. How can I get started?

Is it a sin to gamble? Is it a sin to gamble (like in the casino)?

Should we pray to Mary? I have many close friends who are very strong Catholics. It seems they pray to Mary more than to Jesus. When I say prayers at night I address the Lord Jesus or God Himself, not Mary. Is this wrong?

What the Bible says regarding interracial marriage What does the Bible say regarding interracial marriage?

What the Bible says about tattoos What does the Bible say about God’s view on tattoos and body piercing?

What the Bible says regarding divorce and remarriage What does the Bible say regarding divorce and remarriage?

Do we still need to honor the Sabbath? Do we still need to honor the Sabbath to get right with God?

Should we honor the Sabbath on Saturday? Christ kept the Sabbath on Saturday. Should we do the same?

Should we pray silently to keep Satan from hearing? I was told that when we pray out loud Satan can hear us, and that we should pray silently as only God can read our minds. Is that true?

If you don't become perfect, do you lack true faith in God? A minister told me that if I did not believe that I could be perfect in this lifetime, that I don’t have true faith in God. Is this true?

What are the views on tolerance in the Christian religion? What are the views on tolerance in the Christian religion?

Is it ungodly to smoke and drink? Is it ungodly to smoke cigarettes and drink alcohol (not in excess)?

Is it OK to use a contraceptive with your spouse? Is it ok to use a contraceptive with your spouse?

Why do people eat meat, wear furs. . . . If bible says “thou shall not kill” why do people eat meat, wear furs, experiment on animals, and exterminate bugs and vermin?

Are there any foods a Christian can not eat? Are there any foods a Christian can not eat?

What does the Bible say about marriage and family life? What does the Bible say about marriage and family life?

What should our attitude be toward people in need? What does the Bible say our attitude should be toward people in need?

Can humans exploit the world, or should they be responsible stewards? The Bible says that God gave man dominion over the world. Does that mean that humans can exploit the world or does it convey the idea of responsible stewardship?

Frequently Asked Questions About Heaven, Hell, and Salvation

What is the best way to get right with God if I am Jewish?What is the best way to get right with God if I am Jewish?

What is the third heaven?What is the meaning of “third heaven” in 2 Corinthians chapter 12, verse 2?

Can a person go to heaven if they commit suicide? If someone commits suicide, can they still go to heaven without God punishing them?

What is Purgatory? What is Purgatory?

What is Abraham's Bosom? What is meant by Abraham’s Bosom in Luke 16:23?

If you drift away from Jesus, will you still go to heaven? If you ask Jesus into your heart, then drift away and die before you repent, will you still go to heaven?

Will a child born out of wedlock go to heaven? Will a child born out of wedlock go to heaven?

Can any sin be forgiven? Can any sin be forgiven?

Can God forgive a lifetime of sin? Can God forgive a lifetime of sin (and how do I know)?

Will a homosexual go to hell? Will a homosexual go to hell?

Why is Christ necessary? Can you explain the necessity of Christ? If God is the executor of judgment, then why couldn’t He also pardon everyone?

What happens to small children who have died? What happens to small children who have died before they have accepted Christ?

Will people who are insane or handicapped mentally go to heaven if they sin? Will people who are insane (or handicapped mentally) go to heaven if they sin?

What happens if someone never hears about God, Jesus, or the Bible? What if someone lives their whole life and never hears about God, Jesus, or the Bible.

  • Are they still responsible for how they live?
  • Is there a way for them to go to heaven?

What if the uneducated do not believe in Jesus? Doesn’t Mark 16:16 say that whoever does not believe in Jesus will be condemned? Wouldn’t the uneducated man in a remote jungle tribe fall into that category?

Who will be on Earth for Satan to deceive in Rev 20:7? If everyone who is saved goes to heaven, then who will be on the earth for Satan to deceive when he is let loose again in Revelation 20:7?

Does God change? The Bible says that God does not change, so why do we find places where God changes His plan for people? What about Genesis 6:6 where God grieved that He had even made man?

Frequently Asked Questions—Miscellaneous Christian Topics

What happend to the dinosaurs on the ark? If dinosaurs were on the ark, what happened to them?

How would God view human clones, if they existed? If a scientist cloned a human, could that human get right with God?

Can the government support war? If the government supports war or tries to kill Usama bin Laden, are we murderers?

Are musical instruments in church services OK? Can musical instruments be used in church services?

Do you believe in pre-, mid-, or post tribulation rapture? Do you believe in pretribulation, midtribulation, or posttribulation rapture?

Will our pets be in heaven with us? Will our pets be in heaven with us?

Why did God condone slaughter during the conquest of Canaan? Why did God condone the wholesale slaughter of people during the conquest of Canaan?

What does "he that believeth and is baptized shall be saved" mean? What exactly does “He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved” mean?

Why don't the Jewish people embrace the New Testament? If the Hebrew Scriptures (Old Testament) talk about the coming of the Messiah, why don’t Jewish people embrace the New Testament?

How did animals get to all parts of the world? If Noah brought all the animals with him on the ark, how did they get to all of the continents of the world?

Why does God allow injustice? Why would God allow people (especially children) to be raped and murdered or suffer terrible diseases?

Why does God always receive credit for the good things and not the bad? Why does God always receive credit for the good things in life, but not considered responsible for any of the bad?

The relationship between Catholic and Protestant communion. What are the similarities and differences between Protestant and Roman Catholic Holy Communion?

Do human and dinosaur footprints appear together at the Paluxy River site? Can you comment on the human and dinosaur footprints found together at the Paluxy River site?

Our thoughts about Y2K I know the Y2K bug may bring computer problems and so forth in the year 2000. But many people predict that the rapture will occur or Jesus will return at the turn of the new millennium. What do you think?

The meaning of Christianity and Christian What is the difference between Christianity and Christian?

Is modern science wicked? Is modern science wicked?

Where did Christianity start? What is Christianity’s country of origin?

The difference between Christianity and Judaism What is the difference between Christianity and Judaism?

How would I learn if Christianity is right for me? I was not raised into Christianity. How would I learn if Christianity is right for me?

Who founded Christianity? Who is the founder of Christianity?

What causes homosexuality? Is homosexuality the devil’s work or a chromosome problem?

How can a woman serve in church? Are there any Biblical limitations to the ways that a woman can serve in the church?

How much do people give at church? How much does the average person give at church?

What do they mean by denomination? What do they mean by a denomination, or for that matter, the term non-denominational?

What are the differences between denominations?What are the differences in the denominations of the Christian Church?

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