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Clarifying Christianity Site Search

For Firefox, Mozilla, or Netscape browsers—if you have
Internet Explorer or MSN TV (WebTV) click here

Site Search
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This search tool requires a JavaScript enabled browser. If you have Internet Explorer or WebTV click here.

Type in one or more words that you wish to search for within the Clarifying Christianity site. If you use more than one word, put a + between the words (no spaces). The search is not case sensitive.


Click on the button to start the search. (The "enter" key will just reload the page.)

Your search will open a second window. Links from that window will display in that window. Close the window when you are done and you will be back here.

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This search script was created by © Satadip Dutta 1997
All else Copyright © 1998-2005 by Clarifying Christianity (SM).
Links are OK. All rights reserved.

All information contained in Clarifying Christianity is a resource for questions dealing with Christian issues. It is not to be taken as Christian counseling. Seek a qualified Christian counselor for help with all such issues. If you choose to work with a Christian counselor, it is your responsibility to ask pertinent questions before you begin, to assure yourself of their qualities and abilities.