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Online Bible Search Tools—Linux tux

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Here are three online Bible tools that will help you learn what the Bible has to say. (Note: if the search tool loads a “blank” screen, try “reloading” or “refreshing” your browser at the new screen.)

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Phrase Search / Concordance
Words/Phrase To Search For
(e.g. Jesus faith love, or God of my salvation, or believ* ever*)

Enter a
Strong's Number
e.g. 2424 Greek


Book Chapter Verse Range
All Verses
Or Start: End:
Show Strongs Numbers:

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A Special Note

Although we prefer the New King James Version for reading, the King James Version makes a better text for study. We realize the text is dated, being originally translated in 1611, but it has been much more thoroughly cross-referenced to the original languages, making it a superior source of online information.

Would You Like a Bible for Your Computer?

You can get a good free Bible for Linux, which you can install on your computer. (If you are using Windows, click here to go to the Windows page.) The one based on the K Desktop Environment (KDE) is called BibleTime, and the one written under the GNOME toolkit is called GnomeSword. Installation is relatively easy if you are running a distribution for which the binaries (run time files) are already compiled. Some examples include Ubuntu, Fedora, openSUSE, and Linspire.

  • If you are using Ubuntu, you can get GnomeSword via the Synaptic Package Manager. (System --> Administration --> Synaptic Package Manager.)
  • If you are using Fedora, GnomeSword and BibleTime are included with the distribution. In Fedora 8, install either of them using the Package Manager. (With GNOME, use the path Applications --> Add/Remove Software. With KDE, use the path K Menu --> System --> Add/Remove Software.)
  • If you are using openSUSE, the procedure is a little more complex, as you need to connect to a repository that includes BibleTime, which is not set up by default. A good repository for many programs, including BibleTime is Packman. We explain how to set up Packman as a source in a separate section below. Once you you set up this source, open the YaST software management module. (K Menu --> System --> Control Center (YaST) --> Software --> Software Management.) The easiest way to find BibleTime is to select “Package Groups” from the Filter drop down and then scroll to the bottom of the list and select “zzz All.” This puts everything in the right-hand panel in alphabetical order, and you just have to search for BibleTime. Select BibleTime and click “Accept.” It will probably tell you that you have to also install clucene-core and/or Sword, which is the engine that runs BibleTime. Go ahead and approve this installation as well.
  • If you are using Linspire, you can get BibleTime at the CNR warehouse. (CNR Warehouse > Home & Education > Religion & Spirituality > BibleTime.)
  • If you are using another distribution, you can get more information at the BibleTime or GnomeSword sites.

How to add Packman as an installation source in openSUSE.

Select K Menu --> System --> Control Center (YaST).
Enter the root password when prompted and click OK.
Select Software --> Installation Source.
Click the Add button.
For openSUSE 10.2, in the pop up screen, enter the following:
Protocol: HTTP
Server Name: packman.unixheads.com
Directory on Server: /suse/10.2
Click OK.
Packman should now be listed as one of your sources. Since Packman includes a large number of packages and is located (for most everyone reading this) in another country, it may take a little time (a minute or so) to update. We recommend setting both Status and Refresh to “On.” This is because the Packman repository gets a great deal of activity, and it is a good idea to refresh it each time you use it.

Running BibleTime the First Time

The first time you start BibleTime, it will ask you if you want to update your libraries. As initially installed, Bible Time does not include any data. It is asking you what Bibles you wish to use, what lexicons (if any) you wish to use, and so forth.

Click “Connect to Library.” You are presented with a directory tree. Select your language in the Bibles section. Within each language, there may be many different versions of the Bible available. (For example, the last time we looked, there were 35 in English.) If you are on dial-up, you might want to choose only one or two in order to reduce download time. You can always add more later. We also recommend clicking “Greek” and “Hebrew” in the Lexicons section. There are many other options to choose from, including Books, Commentaries, Devotionals, Glossaries, and Lexicons in other languages (besides Greek and Hebrew). When you have finished making your selections, click “Install works” and the program will start downloading your choices. Note: if you made a lot of selections, even with a broadband connection, it may take a half hour or more to download everything. When you are done, click “OK.” You will then be taken through a brief configuration process, where you choose the type of text display you want and so forth. Incidentally, you can accept all the defaults and later select Settings --> Configure BibleTime... to return to the same screen. Incidentally, these Bible versions show up as brief acronyms, so if you do not know what version “BWE” is, you can right click on it and select “About this work” from the menu to learn that it stands for The “Bible in Worldwide English.”

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