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What I Didn’t Say

by Toby Newnum

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What they told me caught me by surprise
And I’d hoped somehow they’d got it wrong
You know how quick the bad news flies
Like the years my friend it’s been so long
When they told me you’d chosen the darker path
Well I’d wished for better news instead
I thought of how I used to make you laugh, and a hundred things I wished I’d said

And if I should ever cross your path
Or if you ever hear this song
I would love the chance to tell you I was wrong
Not so much for what I did
I was pretty well behaved
But I’d ask your forgiveness for what I didn’t say

It’s not like I never had the chance
We had so many heart to hearts
Somehow we were the best of friends
Though we came from worlds apart
I was raised to know the truth
and it kept me on that narrow path
I never did explain it all to you
Now my friend I wish to God I had

So if I should ever cross your path
Or if you ever hear this song
I would love the chance to tell you I was wrong
Not so much for what I did
I was pretty well behaved
But I’d ask your forgiveness for what I didn’t say

Oh I used to think that I had some excuse I’m kinda shy
and to tell the truth of God was for the more type “A”
But now I’ve learned I can be bold that power love and self-control
is the spirit that God gives to those who will obey

So if I should ever cross your path
Or if you ever hear this song
I would love the chance to tell you I was wrong
Not so much for what I did
I was pretty well behaved
But I’d ask your forgiveness for what I didn’t say

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Song © Copyright 2002 Tucson Community Church

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