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What Church Music Should Be Like, Page 2

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Here are two more albums written and produced by TCC, a church band in our area. The music, like that on our main music page, is not what you would expect. Check them out by clicking on one of the sample songs with the gold notes.

Do What You Say

Includes the songs:

Do What You Say
It Is Enough
Fire In My Bones
Stuck With Me
Click me! Sneaky Man
I Hurt To Be Renewed
Without Love
God’s Gonna Get You
Help Me Know
Step Back
Click me!Thank You With My Life
If I Didn’t Have You

From the cover notes:

Writing, recording and performing with TCC is just part of what we get to do as the pastors of the Tucson Community Church. If you are in the Tucson area, we hope you’ll look us up. Come see TCC and our unique approach to doing church.

there is a reason

Includes the songs:

there is a reason
Your guiding hand
surrounded by Your love
Click me! guide my steps today
count on You
i still believe
call on Him
Click me! since I found You
now that I know
God doesn’t tire
i’m gonna be okay

From the cover notes:

Taking Christ to our Culture (TCC) is the “house band” of the Tucson Community Church and the songs on this release were all written by the pastors or by TCC band members. This is the music we play every weekend at our church services. Our songs are written for the purposes of outreach (to our community and yours), teaching Biblical truths and (dare we say it) to be entertaining and make church fun!

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Want to see more? Click here to go to our main music page.

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Albums Copyright © 1997, 1998 Tucson Community Church

All other copyright © 1998 by Clarifying Christianity (SM).
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